
Monday, October 10, 2011

Three ways to get outdoors without the guys

In order to start tackling all the outdoor tricks I thought I already knew, I'm setting three basic goals for myself:

  • Join a cycling group - I've been wanting to learn the fine art of the group ride. What better reason to start? I'll start doing research now, but I'll even be happy if I can set something up for the spring.
  • Leave New York City for a day hike with a friend - Many of my best buds have an untapped appreciation for the great outdoors. Hear that, queridas amigas? Before winter descends upon us, I'm dragging you with me!
  • Plan one winter camping trip - Last year, A. and I joined some coworkers for our first overnight in the snow. I was super nervous about freezing to death in my sleep, but everyone came out alive (and with all of their extremities intact). Most importantly, it was actually fun! Organizing a trip like this will be my biggest challenge, because I would need to brush up on a range of skills. 

Yikes. Enough talk about winter, though. Give me some October sunshine!


  1. I love the idea of leaving NYC for a day. I'm heading to Beacon up in the Hudson Valley tomorrow to check out the fall foliage. As a new New Yorker (since March 2011), I'm still learning about quick trips from the city that cost under $50 so any ideas would be great.

  2. Hey, Rosa! Awesome suggestion. I'll start putting together some cheap day trip ideas. Definitely let me know how your autumn getaway goes!

  3. Thanks Sara! I'm making my checklist of things to do before the snow starts falling (and by the looks of things we probably don't have much time left!) Your post is giving me lots of ideas! I'm definitely a city girl but I love the idea of getting out of NYC for a day. Any ideas of where I should go for a nature fix?
